2020.12.10 | Lessons Kids Need to Learn about Mental Health in Schools | 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.

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Workshop Description
Thankfully mental health awareness is changing for children through the introduction of mental health lessons in schools along with mental health peer education teams who will work with young people in schools to help them measure their own mental well-being. Schools are evolving and seeing how that learning to deal with your emotions is as important as learning to read and write. Kaleidoscope Speakers Bureau is a supplemental mental health education program for high school and college students. This program has helped to learn what important lessons teenagers and young adults need to learn in schools, and what our children are craving to know about mental health! Come see what this ideal curriculum would look like.

About the Presenter
Sara Paulsen Sara is the executive director and founder of Kaleidoscope Speakers
Bureau which is a peer run program that educates high school and college students about mental health. She has
been public speaking for three mental health speaker bureaus in southern Maine over the past decade. Sara
published a memoir about her experiences living with schizoaffective disorder titled Follow Next to Me and has sold
over 6,000 copies. Sara has been offering her services to new speakers as a speaking consultant for many different
agencies. She currently serves on the Steering Committee for Voices of Recovery, the Maine Behavioral Health
Services Advisory Committee, and the Shalom House Inc. Board of Directors. Sara graduated summa cum laude
from Whitman College with a B.A. in Psychology and Studio Art. She also has her M.S. from St. Scholastica
University in Health Information Management. Sara is hard to miss because she always travels with her service dog
Liam who is a 6.5 pound chihuahua.